The 8 biggest mistakes platforms make

The 8 biggest mistakes platforms make

We take you through the 8 biggest mistakes platforms make with bunkered drinking water management…


  1. Managing water only as an occupational health risk, and not as a utility
  2. Too much emphasis placed on sampling. Sampling is not the same as managing
  3. Connecting non-potable water system to the potable water system
  4. Limited or no specialist knowledge incorporated into design stage
  5. The topic incorporates many disciplines and if not all are included, we see a disjointed or ineffective management approach
  6. Lack of knowledge on control options and the pros and cons of these options
  7. Choice and use of materials within distribution networks, often leading from an incorrect build specification
  8. Not enough emphasis made on water systems as a specialist process with many component parts

The 8 biggest mistakes platforms make